Ark Youth Convos

Welcome to the Ark Youth Convos Podcast! Our youth pastors talk to students about God, life, and everything in between.

Ark Podcasts – Ark Youth Convos | S2 E1 “Mayo and the Holy Spirit” - Convos with Rylan and Braun

S2 E1 “Mayo and the Holy Spirit” - Convos with Rylan and Braun

September 12, 2024

Ark Podcasts – Ark Youth Convos | “Being A Christian In High School” - Convos with DJ, Jonathan, and Kristina

“Being A Christian In High School” - Convos with DJ, Jonathan, and Kristina

July 11, 2024

Ark Podcasts – Ark Youth Convos | “Proud To Be An American” - Convos with Dom and Lexie

“Proud To Be An American” - Convos with Dom and Lexie

July 4, 2024

Ark Podcasts – Ark Youth Convos | “So That’s How You Feel” - Convos about feelings, emotions, and confidence

“So That’s How You Feel” - Convos about feelings, emotions, and confidence

June 13, 2024

Ark Podcasts – Ark Youth Convos | “It’s Time To Grow Up” - Convos about young adults, jobs, and hearing God

“It’s Time To Grow Up” - Convos about young adults, jobs, and hearing God

June 6, 2024

Ark Podcasts – Ark Youth Convos | “Let’s Talk Dating” - Convos with Collyn and Rylee

“Let’s Talk Dating” - Convos with Collyn and Rylee

May 16, 2024

Ark Podcasts – Ark Youth Convos | “What does Brad say about drinking and smoking” - Convos with Shane and Lexi

“What does Brad say about drinking and smoking” - Convos with Shane and Lexi

May 9, 2024

Ark Podcasts – Ark Youth Convos | “Wait What Are We Talking About Part 2” - Convos about religion, tattoos, and yes, sex

“Wait What Are We Talking About Part 2” - Convos about religion, tattoos, and yes, sex

May 2, 2024

Ark Podcasts – Ark Youth Convos | “Wait What Are We Talking About Part 1” - Convos about social media, spiritual leaders, and drama

“Wait What Are We Talking About Part 1” - Convos about social media, spiritual leaders, and drama

April 25, 2024

Ark Podcasts – Ark Youth Convos | “Your Ex Might Go Here” - Convos about sports, past relationships, and seeing your ex at church

“Your Ex Might Go Here” - Convos about sports, past relationships, and seeing your ex at church

April 17, 2024

Ark Podcasts – Ark Youth Convos | “Do Feet Make You Happy?” - Convos about happiness, friendships, and forgiveness

“Do Feet Make You Happy?” - Convos about happiness, friendships, and forgiveness

April 11, 2024

Ark Podcasts – Ark Youth Convos | “Weird Christians” - Convos about friends, gossiping, and Christianity

“Weird Christians” - Convos about friends, gossiping, and Christianity

March 28, 2024

Ark Podcasts – Ark Youth Convos | “Be In The World Not Of The World” - Convos about what the Bible says

“Be In The World Not Of The World” - Convos about what the Bible says

March 21, 2024

Ark Podcasts – Ark Youth Convos | “Foi Gras?!” - Convos about the good and bad of Christian and secular culture

“Foi Gras?!” - Convos about the good and bad of Christian and secular culture

March 14, 2024

Ark Podcasts – Ark Youth Convos | “The Favorite Disciples” - Convos about loneliness, discipleship, and peer pressure

“The Favorite Disciples” - Convos about loneliness, discipleship, and peer pressure

March 7, 2024

Ark Podcasts – Ark Youth Convos | “Fetish or Phobia” - Convos about fear, social anxieties, and role models

“Fetish or Phobia” - Convos about fear, social anxieties, and role models

February 29, 2024

Ark Podcasts – Ark Youth Convos | “Shout out to Jose!” - Convos about being a Christian, relationships and Joses love interests

“Shout out to Jose!” - Convos about being a Christian, relationships and Joses love interests

February 15, 2024

Ark Podcasts – Ark Youth Convos | “AYCCCC” - Convos about old things, new things, and trusting God through it all

“AYCCCC” - Convos about old things, new things, and trusting God through it all

February 1, 2024

Ark Podcasts – Ark Youth Convos | “Am I Kenough?” - Convos about hearing God, nerves, and Barbie

“Am I Kenough?” - Convos about hearing God, nerves, and Barbie

January 25, 2024
