Global Impact

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Here To Bless The World

Since its inception, The Ark has been unwavering in our commitment to supporting global missions. We allocate more than 10% of our annual income to this cause, and every dollar of profit generated by the Missions Café is directed toward global missions. We are passionate about impacting not only our local community but also communities worldwide, spreading the knowledge of Jesus. 

Missionaries Based Out of The Ark Church


CandleRock International

Les & Shanna Shannon

Caring for the basic needs of struggling widows and orphans in Uganda and India


CZ Asia

Cindy Zuspan

Planting churches, sharing Jesus, and providing humanitarian aid in Thailand and Bhutan 


Global Leadership Network Ministries

Terry Thompson

Inspiring and equipping world-class leadership that ignites transformation


MCMI / Project Playground

Matt & Kelly Clayton

Building playgrounds in impoverished communities for kids that have never seen one


Mission Catalyst International

Jim & Peggy Eby

Reaching the unreached by training indigenous church-planters in the 10/40 window

Other Missionaries We Support

One for Israel

Proclaiming salvation, raising up leaders, and equipping them to transform Israeli communities


Assemblies of God Ministries

John and Jo Smith

Sharing the love of Jesus in areas hostile to Christianity. Details undisclosed for their safety


Cameneti Ministries

Tony & Patsy Cameneti

Overseeing Bible schools in Australia and New Guinea, and an orphanage in Nepal


Children's Vision International, Inc.

Richard & Jeannene Sanderson

Rescuing high-risk children in Columbia, providing essentials and a home with people who love them


ELI Project

Todd & Stephanie Presley

Helping families in Wales with special needs children


Harvest Now

Guine & Lisa Anderson

Evangelizing, making disciples, training leaders, and caring for widows and orphans around the world


Joe McGee Ministries

Joe McGee

Restoring the hope of families through God's Word via seminars, podcasts, and teaching resources


Lackey Ministries

Jerry & Jana Lackey

Provide essential services for at-risk children, youth, and their families in Botswana and around the world


Uttermost Ministries

James & Patti Ah Kui

Training ministers and planting churches in the South Pacific


Voice of Judah Israel Ministries

Pastor Israel Pochtar

Ushering in revival in Israel through evangelism, church-planting, and humanitarian outreaches


Wings of Faith

Ben & Carmen Gil

Helping people in Bolivia maximize their potential for the cause of Christ through a daily TV program


Worldwide Ministries

Daniel & Doina Matei

Advancing the kingdom of God in Romania and surrounding nations