Bible 365 Devotional



21 He who follows righteousness and mercy 
Finds life, righteousness, and honor.  

Robert Frost was the poet who wrote about two roads diverged into a wood.  He took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference.  Pardon my paraphrasing, but that's the gist of the poem.  I believe it was called "The Road Not Taken." 

In this proverb, the author, most likely Solomon, implies two roads but only one road with a great outcome. 

He who follows righteousness and mercy.  Following the ways that are right before God is following righteousness.  In Psalm 23, we find that the Lord leads us in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake.  So, when we are following the Lord and His ways, we will always be on the right road.  Not always the easiest road but the right one.  Harder on our flesh, better for our heart.  The ways of faith, love, kindness, goodness, and generosity are safe roads of righteousness.  And don't forget mercy.  The way of mercy is willing to forgive and give extra chances.  The road of mercy is a very different road than judgment and criticism. 

But on the road of righteousness and mercy, we will find life, righteousness, and honor.  God's kind of life that brings peace and joy to our hearts.  God's kind of righteousness that gives us confidence with Him.  And God's honor which is more satisfying and stronger than honor from man.  Is this following of righteousness and mercy the road less traveled?  Absolutely, but it's the road best rewarded.   


Our walk with God will constantly put us on the road less traveled.  To do the right things in God's sight and to show mercy in a harsh angry world will find us on an uncrowded highway.   

But keep in mind that following righteousness and mercy will lead to long-term and eternal benefits.  And we'll be able to echo Robert Frost.  "I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."   


Thank you, Lord, for showing me the ways of righteousness and mercy.  I purpose to follow that road, that You will be glorified in my life.
