Bible 365 Devotional


PSALM 3:11

3 If the foundations are destroyed, 
What can the righteous do? 

This is a great question that has a strong relevancy in the days we are living in.   If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? 

We must understand that the Psalmist is not referring to God's foundations. The foundation of God's word will never be destroyed.  Jesus said heaven and earth will pass away but not His words.  In Psalm 119, the Psalmist says that forever God's word is settled in heaven. (Psalm 119:89

So God's word is our foundation that will not change.  And Jesus does not change and will never lose power.  And the Holy Spirit is still greater than any spiritual force that exists.  With God, we are on solid ground.     

So what are the foundations?  What foundation could possibly be destroyed?  It is the man-based foundations of our world.  The man-made ideas and concepts and plans and governments.  One thing that is constant about our life here is change.  Things are changing all the time and not always for the better.   

So then, what can the righteous do?  The righteous, those in right standing with God, can continue to look to God and rejoice.  The righteous can resist the fear and negativity so prevalent in our day. The righteous can continue to put faith and hope in God, not in man.  In Psalm 46, the Psalmist said it best.  "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, even though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea."  (Psalm 46:1-2


Some of the most troubling things taking place today are the eroding of our nation's morals and foundational principles.  I have been around long enough to see that we are not living in the same country that we were 50 years ago.  The destruction of our foundations is troubling but.  But we still look to God, and our hope and trust are in Him, not the institutions of man.  We can still pray and ask God for His help and mercy on our nation.  Because the most troubling foundational erosion is our nation's heart and respect for God.  Millions are turning away from the salvation that is in Jesus, and that impacts our nation, but it impacts eternity for those rejecting Him.   

So the righteous can pray, reach out and do what we can individually to influence those around us for the Kingdom of God.  A kingdom that will never be destroyed.  A kingdom for eternity.
