Bible 365 Devotional



I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, 

Paul's focus for the first three chapters of the book of Ephesians was the riches that belong to us because of our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.  These are positional truths.  They reveal our position in Christ.  Paul's emphasis in the first three chapters is on revealing to the church who they are and what they have because of faith in Christ.   

In chapter four we see a change in tone. There is still wonderful revelation in the last three chapters of Ephesians, but the emphasis is on functional or operational truth.  How do we live this new life because we are no longer the same?  We've been saved by grace, His handiwork, a member of God's household, connected to Christ.  But what now?  It's one thing to know the riches of Christ, but how do these wonderful truths change the way we live? 

Paul starts with the encouragement to walk worthy of this calling. The first three chapters tell us of our calling in Christ, and the next three focus on our everyday life rising to, in essence, honor and dignify what God has done in us.   

The list is too long for me to cover in this devotional, but chapter four touches topics such as walking in humility, putting up with one another.  Not walking according to the passions and desires that troubled us in the past.  Being conscious of our words, making sure they bless and don't hurt.  Being kind and forgiving.   

Don't let this sound like mission impossible. Remember, we are changed people on the inside, spiritually new with loads of untapped potential.  Paul is not giving us the unreachable ideals of a lofty theologian.  He is simply encouraging us to walk worthy, to walk as the people that we really are - God's people.  People God has changed, and now people destined to reflect His goodness and transforming power.  Walk this way.   



As you read the last three chapters of Ephesians, don't rush through.  Read these chapters with the positive outlook of a person of faith.  You can do this.  You've been changed.  You can honor God with how you live your life.   



Thank you, Father, for the miracle You have worked in me.  I am a new person in Christ, and there's a higher life and calling just waiting for me. 
