Bible 365 Devotional



5 Every word of God is pure; 
He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. 

Things go better when we have trust.  The feeling when we have been deceived when someone we trusted has done us wrong is gut wrenching.  To purchase an item and not have it deliver as advertised can be more than annoying.  And our challenge today is knowing who we can actually trust.  The news?  Social media?  Those in respected leadership positions, which would include preachers and pastors?  Who and what do we trust today? 

Ahhh but the answer comes and has existed for thousands of years.  We can trust God, and we can trust His Word! 

Every word of God is pure.  The word pure here means-tested, refined, found pure - nothing false, nothing that would cause you to leave anything but a five-star review.  God's word is the real deal, better than advertised.  We can't trust our feelings.  We can't trust our limited mental capacity because we never have all the facts.  But we can trust God's word.   

And as we trust Him through His Word and His person who He is, there is protection.  He is a shield, a covering.  Shields don't keep the arrows of life's problems from coming.  But shields are there to protect us, so the damage is minimal.  It takes a step of faith on our part, but the confidence we find in God and His Word is such a comfort. 



What does God's word say about the situations you are currently dealing with?  What are the promises you can lean on, trust? 

Instead of frantically searching for someone or something to take the pressure off, we can look to God and His Word as our trust, our first line of defense.   He has promised us He would never leave or abandon us.  He has promised to help us. (Hebrew 13:5-6)  So we can breathe a sigh of relief.  It's going to be ok.  We have a God, and He will help us.  So we trust in Him, and our minds are shielded from the barrage of fear and negativity.  In our hearts, we hold onto His pure word, and we are helped.   



Thank You, Father, for Your pure word.  I trust You and Your promises to me.  Thank You for shielding me from harm.
