Bible 365 Devotional



14 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen. 

When we started The Ark on June 2nd, 1996, this was the very first scripture I shared.  It was the text of my message, but I believe this verse was much more than that.  This verse contains three vital elements of our message at The Ark.   

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.  This is what Jesus has done for us in His death, burial and resurrection.  This is a huge topic, but it is the very essence of what we proclaim.  It's not us but grace that has made all the difference.  It's not following rules that made us right with God but the grace that saved us and has given us an amazing inheritance.  Paul told Timothy to be strong in the grace that's in Christ Jesus.   

The Love of God.  That's two dimensions.  The love of God toward us. The love of God that caused Him to give His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him would not perish but have eternal life. That love.  The love that actually personifies God, for God is love.  And our love of God.  That's the second dimension.  He loves us; we proclaim that truth.  And we love Him. This is a love that motivates us to change and live a life that is pleasing to Him.  We show our love for God by loving our family in Christ.  This type of love, according to the apostle John, is what assures our hearts before God, gives us confidence with Him.  

And the communion, fellowship, or partnership with the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is called the Comforter or Helper.  He is the One who indwells us and empowers us to carry out the plans and purposes of God and to advance His kingdom.  He truly is the power source, and we truly do need His power today.   



So this is our message, and yet it's more than the church message. These are vital things in our own lives.   

We want to learn more about what the grace of Jesus has done for us.  We have not exhausted all the grace that's available to us, so we keep searching.   

We want to learn more about God's love for us, how we can love others and love Him.  And we want to know more about how to partner with the Holy Spirit to be an effective witness for Jesus in the earth.  There is such depth, strength, and amazing riches in these three vital things.   



Thank You, Father, for grace, for love, and for the strength available to me.  I truly am blessed.
