Bible 365 Devotional


“Go, stand in the temple and speak to the people all the words of this life.” ACTS 5:20 NKJ

ACTS 5:20 NKJ “Go, stand in the temple and speak to the people all the words of this life.”

The words of the angel have always stood out to me. Angels often serve as messengers relating a message directly from God. So, what the angel communicated to the apostles was very profound.

The angel did not say to go speak words of a new religion. Jesus bought for us a living relationship with God. That's so much more than a religion, that's life.

The angel did not say to go speak words of doom and gloom or speak about what everyone is doing wrong or proclaim a list of dos and don'ts. No, the angel speaking directly for God said to tell the people about this life, this eternal life, available to anyone who will simply believe that God loved the world so much He gave His son that we might have a new life, eternal life through Him.


We water down the magnitude of God's love and Jesus' sacrifice if we refer to this life as a religion. We have a relationship with God, forgiveness of our sins, a recreated spirit, and the Holy Spirit to help and empower us. We don't have a cold, lifeless religion based on an impossible list of dos and don'ts. We have life. Newness of life that affects all aspects of our time here on earth and the life to come on the other side. We'll be celebrating this life throughout eternity!


Thank you, Father, for the never-ending life I have with You. I rejoice in this life!
