Bible 365 Devotional



11 When the scoffer is punished, the simple is made wise; 
But when the wise is instructed, he receives knowledge. 

 I enjoy the Proverbs.  The practical and profound are in each chapter.  The Proverbs hold wisdom that ranges from relationships to business.  From walking with God to how to learn and be wise.   

This verse talks of a better way to learn.  The simple need to see punishment.  When they see something bad happen to one who is a scoffer, a mocker of God, they learn.  But the same can apply in their own lives also.  They learn when tragedy comes their way.   

But there is a better way.  Simply instructing, teaching, a wise person will get his attention, and they will receive.  They do not have to learn from the "school of hard knocks."  They can hear and get wiser.  



There is truth in the old saying that experience is the best teacher.  But I will add to that.  Experience may be the best teacher, but experience has no mercy.  Experience can be an awfully tough teacher.   

I prefer learning from someone else's experience.  But there is still a better way.   

Jesus said the Holy Spirit would teach us and guide us into all truth. The Psalmist said he was wiser than his teachers because of God's word.  The best way to learn is from the Holy Spirit, enlightening us to the truth in the scriptures.  God's word and wisdom are eternal and stand above all earthly wisdom.  This world will pass away, but God's word will not.   

So don't wait for something bad to happen to you or someone you know.  Be a wise person and receive God's wisdom from His word, His Holy Spirit, and from godly people.  It's a better and less painful way to learn.   



Thank You, Father, that I am a wise person.  I just have to hear and receive Your wisdom in order to learn.
