Bible 365 Devotional



6 As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, 7 rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. 



One of the challenges that Paul encountered was in communication with these new churches. He could not call, text, send an overnight package, or Facetime. All he could do was write letters, pray, and send good ministers their way. 

So, as he is writing these letters, we can sense his urgency. He wanted to make sure these believers were not deceived and pulled away from the hope that's in Christ. 

In these two verses, we see some powerful instructions as to how to stay strong in Christ. 

As you received Christ Jesus, the Lord, so walk in Him. They had received Jesus by faith as their Lord and Savior. Now, they were to continue to live by faith in Christ. The words walk in Him could be phrased, live your life connected to Him. 

Rooted and built up in Him sounds very similar to yesterday's verses to be grounded and steadfast. 

Rooted and built up in Christ would involve having a strong identity in who we have become in the new birth.  

Everyone is rooted in some identity. It could be race, heritage, a certain group of people, political parties, etc., etc. 

But we are to be identified with Christ first. The spiritual is higher level and more eternal than anything the natural realm has to offer. 

Built up in Him means we are strong in what He has done and who we have become in Christ. More than a cursory understanding, this is strong and solid.  

Established in the faith. No way to escape the fact that we live by faith first. More than feelings, reasoning, and human philosophy. We live by faith in God. In His word. In His Son Jesus. In the Holy Spirit. 

One of the best ways to strengthen our faith is by thanksgiving. Thanking God for who He is and who we are in Christ. 

Our Christian life is not meant to be quiet. We are to be overflowing with thanksgiving to God on a regular basis. And this will help us become rooted and built up in Christ.  


Thank You, Father, that You have saved me through Jesus. Thank You for the change and the strength that I have in Christ. 
