Bible 365 Devotional


PSALM 46:1-2

PSALM 46:1-2 NKJ 
1 God is our refuge and strength, 
A very present help in trouble. 
2 Therefore we will not fear, 
Even though the earth be removed, 
And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; 

If you would like to do an interesting study, go through the four gospels and see how often Jesus talks about what people believed. More than once, He told people that as they believed it would be done for them.   

What we believe makes a big difference. It did in the days Jesus was on the earth, and it does today.   

In the book of Psalms, we get a clear picture of what David believed about God. Psalm 46 is one of those pictures. "God is our refuge and strength..." David believed that God was where he went to be safe. That God was his protection from people who were against him. David did not have to deal with nasty emails or social media posts. David needed a safe place from people who were trying to kill him. So David learned to believe that God would be a refuge for him. And not only a place to hide but a source of strength for him.   

Because David had a God that was a huge help to him. A God that protected him and strengthened him, David did not live in fear. Even when the things around him were in chaos, David was able to find rest and peace because God was helping him.   


One of the phrases we use around the Ark staff is "the Lord is helping us." When things are going well, and when chaos seems to be present, the Lord is helping us. But it's more than a phrase; it's a belief that this is who God is to us. He helps us and sustains us and strengthens us. One important thing to note, it's not what God is to others that will make the biggest difference in your life. Who is He to you?   

A great way to develop a greater confidence in God is to vocalize who He is. You can borrow from David in the Psalms, from Jesus in the gospels, and from the other New Testament writers in the epistles. Find out what they say about God and make that your own. When it's personal, it's powerful.   


Dear Father, You are my refuge and strength and a very present help in trouble. You are not distant, You are in me by Your Holy Spirit, and You are for me. Because this is true, I do not fear! 
