Bible 365 Devotional


LUKE 16:10-12 NKJV 

10 He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much. 11 Therefore if you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? 12 And if you have not been faithful in what is another man's, who will give you what is your own? 


This is such a simple principle. I only wish I had paid more attention to it when I first began hiring people.  

Faithful is defined as being worthy of belief, trust, or confidence. 

Being faithful to your spouse is vital to any marriage. And being faithful to the Lord is vital for promotion. 

 Faithfulness also applies to employees and employers. It is so much easier to find a place for faithful employees. 

In our verses for today, Jesus tells us where to look for faithfulness. Don't look for words. People can talk a good game without playing it.  

Don't look for how people perform under the spotlight. Everyone gives more effort when others are watching.  

Look for faithfulness in the little things. How do they handle the seemingly small things? Jesus said if they are faithful, worthy of trust in the little things, they will be faithful in big things. 

Jesus also spoke to being faithful with money. Interesting that Jesus did not consider money true riches. I am thinking true riches to Jesus would be spiritual gifts and impartations. In God's kingdom, spiritual always outweighs natural.  

And Jesus spoke to being faithful with what belongs to someone else, especially if you desire to have your own someday.  


If a potential employee was faithful on their last job, chances are good they will be faithful on the job you have for them. Don't overlook this. I did and still have the scars.  

If someone does not handle the smaller tasks well, do not promote them. Jesus knew exactly what He was talking about. Faithful in little, faithful in bigger. Unfaithful in the little things and bigger things will not help.   

When I met with Pastor John Osteen before starting the church, he said something to me that I missed in the moment. He said I would be a good pastor because I had been a good church member.   

He never mentioned my talent or sparkling personality. I am sure he had his reasons for omitting those two qualities. What he was counting on was that I had been faithful. And faithfulness counts. 


Lord teach me what it means to be faithful in Your eyes. If I am pleasing to You then I will be a blessing to others. 
