Bible 365 Devotional



12 Now those who are such we command and exhort through our Lord Jesus Christ that they work in quietness and eat their own bread. 
13 But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary in doing good. 


You would think that the apostle Paul would only concern himself with high-level spiritual topics. Yet in his letters, we see him address very simple practical matters in the churches. This third chapter of 2 Thessalonians is a classic example.   

Paul is speaking to lazy people in the church who are sponging off the goodwill of other believers. He winds up exhorting the church that if someone will not work, he should not eat.   

Now, before you scream hey, that's not the Christian thing to do, Paul brings Jesus into the situation. He commands and encourages believers, by the Lord Jesus, to quietly take care of their work and to eat their own bread. So, hey take it up with Jesus. He is the head of the church. 

Verse thirteen appears to veer away from the subject of lazy people when Paul admonishes the church to not grow weary in doing good.   

But as we look at this letter in context, Paul is saying there will always be lazy people and those who take advantage of Christian kindness. But don't allow that to stop you from doing good. Being kind, sharing with those in need, and helping those who are weaker can wear on you. But keep doing good; keep doing those things that help people. Keep being the church. 


One of the challenges of church is dealing with those who would take advantage of your goodness toward them. It is being roundly criticized for not meeting a need that someone felt was the responsibility of the church.   

Or someone getting mad because they did not receive special treatment. Or someone blasting you on social media over some issue that you did not handle perfectly. Or taking you to task over something they simply fabricated.   

If you allow these things to get to you, you can easily get weary in doing good. But. But we are encouraged to not get too tired to do right. And regardless of what people do, we still have to do good, and we still have to stand before the Lord.   

So how do you not get weary? Stay connected to the Lord. Spend time with the One who gave Himself for us when we did not deserve His goodness. Look to Him for strength and not the people you are helping. And in the end, know that when you stand before the Lord on that day and He rewards you, it will be well worth it all.   


Dear Lord You are my example. Strengthen me so I do not become too tired to do good. 
