Bible 365 Devotional



10 For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister. 



I love this verse. This speaks to all those who serve the Lord by serving His people. 

There can be this mentality that unless we do something big for the Kingdom that God does not recognize our efforts. If we do a less than glamorous job, by man's standards, it carries no significance with our Creator. But this verse directly contradicts that type of thinking. 

God is not unjust. He is not unfair. He is not slanted or biased. And He will not forget our work and labor of love. And the love is what we show towards Him. But this is an indirect love. When we help others and serve or minister to others in the Body of Christ, God receives it as being done to Him. We, in essence, love Him when we love His people and serve them in any capacity. 

In the world we live in, there are important people and what they do. These are the elite earners, athletes, and more glamorous public positions. And then there is the bulk of humanity with jobs and lives that are not heralded and celebrated, but it's a job. Finally, there are the people who are the forgotten masses doing the jobs no one wants or the dirty jobs. These are the ones that society deems as not so important. As unjust and unfair as it is, our society works off the concept of the haves and the have-nots, and there is a definitive class structure. 

But not so in God's Kingdom. In His Kingdom, there are no haves and have-nots because, in Christ, all of us are the haves. What we do with what we've been given is another story, but there is no class system with our Heavenly Father. Although in America particularly, the Church can develop a celebrity culture that's not the way God sees it. Paul, in his letter to the Corinthian church told them to not get caught up with people and personalities. He reminded them that everything we have we received. So, since we received from God, there is no sense acting like we're all that. We all are servants, and God gets all the glory. 

The beauty of God's system is that all of us are loved equally by God and can fulfill His plan for our lives regardless of what anyone else says or does. So, God has equipped us to serve and bless others and as we do; we love and honor Him, and He does not forget it. Such a great deal. We can show our love for God by loving and serving His people. 


A number of years ago, when I graduated from Bible school, I returned to Lakewood, my home church, and reported for duty. I was sure they would allow my 25-year-old self to lead an adult Bible class. The wise staff member I visited directed me to the children's ministry, where I kept order in the 5th-6th grade class. It seemed to me to be a job beneath my skills and talents, but I was wrong. It ministered to God's people and honored Him. Later, years later, I did teach that adult class, but in God's eyes, it was all ministry to Him as I ministered to His people. 

So, if you want to do something that ministers to God. Serve and bless His people wherever you have an opportunity. He will not forget. 


Lord, thank You for the opportunity to love You by helping Your people. Thank You, that is such an honor! 
