Alan's Devotionals


John 5:41 & 44 NKJ   41 "I do not receive honor from men.  
44 How can you believe, who receive honor from one another, and do not seek the honor that comes from the only God? 

The word honor here is the Greek word doxa. It means to recognize, to praise, and honor. The word is also translated most often as glory. The word is used in referring to giving glory to God. So, giving glory to God is to recognize Him and give Him praise and honor. The word glory is a good study on its own for another day.   

In our verses for today, Jesus is speaking with the Pharisees and religious leaders. These leaders were mad at Jesus for healing a man on the Sabbath. These leaders went completely past the miracle that a man who had been unable to walk for 38 years was now walking home. Their big issue was that the healed man was carrying his bed on the Sabbath. The leaders were not interested in who had healed the man but rather in who was the man who encouraged breaking the Sabbath. One of the challenges of religion without relationship is it majors on the minors of life. Jesus called it straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel.   

So Jesus is clarifying some of the heart problems that were plaguing these Jewish leaders. According to Jesus, they were having a hard time believing in Him as the Christ because they sought honor, glory, and recognition from men. Jesus stated that He did not receive honor from men. Jesus sought honor only from God. When religion gets out of control, men use God as a pretense to honor each other. And Jesus was not a fan. Many of His confrontations with the Pharisees and scribes were focused on how these leaders were using God to gain approval and recognition from men. Approval, honor, and recognition from men should not be the goal or motivation for what we do for the Lord. And this is what Jesus was trying to communicate. These leaders had built an entire system around gaining honor from each other.   

In the twelfth chapter of John, there is a similar example of man's honor versus God's honor. John 12:41-42 "Nevertheless many even of the rulers believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees they were not confessing Him, for fear that they would be put out of the synagogue; for they loved the approval of men rather than the approval of God." The word approval is also translated as praise and honor; it's the same word doxa. And what a sad situation. The rulers believed in Jesus but would not confess Him or acknowledge Him because of fear of being disconnected from the synagogue and the religious structure of that day. The approval of man was too important to them, and they would not identify with being connected to Jesus. God's approval, or we could say His honor, was secondary.  


Identifying with Jesus is still something that believers must settle in their own hearts. And it comes down to who's honor, praise, approval, and acceptance we are seeking. It is a step of faith to seek God's honor rather than man's. Man's approval is often immediate and tangible and satisfying to a point. God's honor and approval are more of a long-term play but are eternal, spiritually tangible, and satisfying.   

When I think of God's approval versus man's approval, the people who work with our Ark Kids department come to mind. Children do not typically come to those who teach and express how the message really helped them. Children do not always say thanks for being there for them each week. They may smile and give hugs, but that's pretty much it. But God's approval is there for those who take care of and minister to His little lambs. The approval and praise may not come from men, but God sees and knows and honors those who honor Him by blessing children.  

There will come a day when we stand before God. We may be surprised at who He honors. My hope is for all of us to hear Him say, "Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Lord!"   



Lord, I seek to honor You and seek only the honor that comes from You. Man's glory is temporary and insufficient. But honor from You is eternal and powerful.  
