Bible 365 Devotional


ROMANS 16:17-18 NKJ 

17 Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned and avoid them. 18 For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple. 


In his conclusion to the believers in Rome, Paul takes some time to send greetings and commendations. 

It is important to note that Paul never refers to anyone as great. He does not call anyone a great leader or a great speaker. The best any individual gets from Paul is a beloved worker or faithful servant. He does mention two men who were of note among the apostles.   

I believe Paul was an encouraging guy. And I believe that Paul had the best perspective of what ministry was all about. Serving the Lord has never been intended to glorify man. So, Paul highlighted character qualities such as hard workers and faithful servants.   

We see more glimpses into Paul's inspired perspective in his warning to the Roman believers. He warns them of people to avoid and then gives a template of what to look for.   

Paul encouraged the Christians in Rome to be aware of the people who caused divisions and offenses. People who were always stirring up trouble in the church. Causing splits and people getting upset. This is not the Spirit of Christ or the spirit of unity that is required in order to be effective. So, Paul says to avoid these people. Don't hate them or lash out at them; just stay away.  

These are people who are not serving the Lord Jesus but their own interests. And they are slick. They use smooth words and flattery to deceive those who are not discerning. Here is what to look for so steer clear.  


I wish I could say that these types of people were an early church problem that we are free from today. But these people are still with us.   

As believers, we, by default, believe in the best regarding people. But we do not believe everything they do and say.  

If someone is trying to divide the body of Christ or cause you to be offended at your brothers and sisters in Christ, or be offended at your church, avoid them.   

If they are too slick and too complimentary of you in order to get you to follow them, avoid them.   

Stay with those faithful servants who glorify Jesus, not themselves. And stay with those whose life and the results of their life can be observed. There are a lot of false narratives out there today, but we do not have to be deceived or upset, just wary.  
