Bible 365 Devotional


PSALM 42:5-6 NKJV 

5 Why are you cast down, O my soul? 

And why are you disquieted within me? 

Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him 

For the help of His countenance. 

6 O my God, my soul is cast down within me; 

Therefore I will remember You from the land of the Jordan, 

And from the heights of Hermon, 

From the Hill Mizar. 



David is having a heart-to-heart or rather a heart-to-soul conversation. 

When you read the entire Psalm, it is obvious that David is facing some distressing times. 

As much as we honor David for his heart for God and his accomplishments, he did have some trouble in his life. He had to stay on the run as a fugitive for years. He had his home burned, and his family kidnapped. Later he would have trouble with his first wife. She was taken from him and then returned. But she did not come back happy. Trouble with his family. Trouble with an affair. Trouble with enemies. David even got in trouble with the Lord.   

So in this Psalm, David is pouring his heart out to God. And he is having a serious talk with his soul.  

David's soul, his thoughts and emotions, are facing a difficult time, and he is discouraged. But instead of staying in a state of discouragement, David talks to his thoughts and emotions. David reminds his soul that there is an expectation in God. Hope means a favorable expectation. 

Instead of staying down, David tells his soul to expect good from God. Then he makes the decision to praise God for His help. 

He then reminds the Lord that even though his soul was down, he was choosing to remember God. Bringing God back into his mind was a way for David to draw his soul out of discouragement. 


This passage may appear strange at first glance. Talking to your soul sounds a bit odd. But speaking to your mind and emotions is a strong spiritual principle. This is what encouraging yourself in the Lord looks like. 

If someone you respect came to you when you were down and encouraged you, chances are you would receive their words. 

If they told you to expect something good from God and that God will help you, you would not argue. If this person reminded you of the goodness of God, you probably would not kick back. 

So, why not skip the middle man and do this for yourself? Talking to your soul is not a sign of mental instability; it's a path to spiritual and mental strength. 


Lord, I will talk to my soul and remind myself of Your power and goodness toward me. 

