Bible 365 Devotional

Not Motivated By Man's Approval

I do not receive honor from men. . . How can you believe, who receive honor from one another, and do not seek the honor that comes from the only God?

41 I do not receive honor from men. . . 44 How can you believe, who receive honor from one another, and do not seek the honor that comes from the only God?
John 5:41,44 NKJV 

Jesus lived a different life. Yes, because He is/was the Son of God. But remember, He is also our example. He lived differently but a better different. He lived on a higher level.

He was not motivated by man’s approval. He did not seek to be honored by man. Jesus was not being aloof; He was living with God in mind first. He wanted honor from God, not man. And because man’s approval did not motivate Him, man’s criticism and scorn did not derail Him.


We marvel at how awesome Jesus is and how He lived on the earth. But we must remember that He showed us how to live. It is so easy to live concerned with what people think. Taken to an extreme, it can really create bondage that can drive our lives.

Real freedom is living to please God and gain His approval. And living this way puts man’s approval and criticism into the right place where they no longer motivate or devastate our lives.


Heavenly Father, teach me to live to please You and not be as concerned with what people think. Show me how to seek the honor that only comes from You.
