Bible 365 Devotional



8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. 



In some clubs, if you are not on the list, you don't get in the door. Not that I would know this personally. But there are plenty of places not open to the general public. 

In this verse for today, Paul provides a list. Of course, this is an inspired of God list that involves what kind of thoughts we need to be thinking on.  

And the implication is that if a thought is not on this list, it needs to be discarded. 

The first one on the list is true. Is the thought based on truth or is it a deception? This is where we will need the help of the Holy Spirit and the word of God to discern the thoughts. 

Noble. A thought that has dignity. A thought that heaven would regard as classy. It's easy to recognize that we are constantly having to retrain ourselves as to how we think.  

Just. That which is right and conformable to right. A right thought in line with our being citizens of heaven and members of God's family. 

Pure. Freedom from things that defile or impurities. This one is challenging because we are bombarded with impure information and images coming our way.  

We can't keep all impure thoughts and images from coming to us. We can eradicate them when they try to stay. There's an old adage that states, you can't keep the birds from flying over your head. But you can keep them from building a nest in your hair.  

Lovely. Acceptable and pleasing. This would mean acceptable and pleasing in God's sight, not man's standards. 

Good report. Thoughts of defeat, failure, and low self-worth would not be a good report. Fearful thoughts and expectation of negatives would not be considered good. 

Virtue is moral excellency and goodness of action. Another thought that involves being pleasing to God.  

Praiseworthy. Can the thought be applauded? How would the Lord consider that thought? 

This is a challenging list to keep up with. Not easy, but doable. And thinking in line with these kinds of thoughts has to be intentional. But imagine what kind of mental health issues would be solved if all our thoughts were on the list.  


Lord, help me retrain my thoughts to come in line with the list You have provided. You would not have given them to me if it were not possible for me to do. 
