Bible 365 Devotional


ACTS 24:16

ACTS 24:16 NKJ 
16 This being so, I myself always strive to have a conscience without offense toward God and men. 


Yesterday we saw Paul boldly declare to the Jewish council that he lived before God with a good conscience. Now we see him indicate that he is doing some things to live in that manner.   

Without getting too technical, we can call the conscience the voice of our inner man, our spirit. We know when we have missed it concerning our walk with the Lord because our conscience will bother us.   

When Paul said he strived to live with a conscience without offense toward God and man, he was describing how he lived his life.   

To live before God with a clear conscience, we have to live with a belief that we are new creations in Christ. And that our past life and its mistakes have no hold on us.   

We also have to make the effort to walk with the Lord in an honorable way. Paul called it walking worthy of the Lord. We are not taking advantage of God's mercy and forgiveness; we strive to walk according to the light we have from the scriptures.   

Paul also mentioned having a conscience without offense toward men. He was saying that his actions towards others were in line with the standards God had revealed in the scriptures. Paul was also one who had received a great insight from the Lord regarding how to treat people. So he endeavored to live according to God's standards.   

Paul put effort into having a conscience clear of any wrongdoing. Before God and before men.   


It is a wonderful thing to become a new creation in Christ. To be new and clean and right in God's sight. Jesus did that for us, and all we have to do is receive.   

It's also a wonderful thing to live as a new creation in Christ. This is an ongoing process that we do with the Lord's help. We have His word and His Holy Spirit to teach us and help us. And we, like Paul, must strive to live a life with a clear conscience toward God and towards men.   


Father, thank You for the capacity to live my life with a clear conscience towards You and the people in my life. Thank You for Your help in making this a reality. 
