Bible 365 Devotional



8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light 9 (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth), 10 finding out what is acceptable to the Lord. 11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. 


And Paul is not done in regard to instructing the church at Ephesus on how to live this new life in Christ.   

Remember, Paul was speaking to people who had little to no moral standards. They had no Jewish writings to follow. And the culture they lived in was lawless and morally corrupt.   

Today, because we have grown up in a country that has been heavily influenced by the bible and biblical principles, we may be surprised at what Paul was telling the believers to stop doing. And yet we can also see what a nation that has moved further away from God and His ways is capable of. Every generation has to be reached with the gospel because the fleshly nature of man is quite accustomed to living in the darkness.   

Paul reminds these believers that they were once darkness. Not just in the dark but dark in their spirits. But what has changed? Now they are light in the Lord. Walk, there's that word again. Walk as children of light.   

Children of light find out what is acceptable to the Lord, the One they are accountable to. Children of light no longer are comfortable being involved in the works of darkness. There is no fellowship with the dark side. In verses 3-5 of this chapter, Paul lists some of the works of darkness. Fornication and uncleanness are on the list. But so is off-color language and jokes. And, of course, being covetous is also included.   

Paul does not encourage these believers to dial it back; he simply states don't do it. Children of light walk in ways that are good, righteous, and true. We walk differently because we are different. A better different.   


Buying into the change that took place in us when we received Jesus will help us walk in the light. People often struggle more because they have not understood who they really are. Accepting and believing in the new creation realities that are ours in Christ Jesus will help us walk out what has been worked in us.  

We can do this. We are light in the Lord with His Spirit of truth helping us and His word strengthening us. So, keep walking.  


Thank You, Father. I am no longer what I used to be. I am now Your child. A child of the light, and I can do what You say I can do. I can walk this out.
