Bible 365 Devotional


PSALM 142:3 & 7

PSALM 142:3 & 7  NKJ 
3 When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, 
Then You knew my path. 
In the way in which I walk 
They have secretly set a snare for me. 
7 Bring my soul out of prison, 
That I may praise Your name; 
The righteous shall surround me, 
For You shall deal bountifully with me.” 

David wrote this psalm in a cave.  After he had to run into enemy territory to keep from being killed.  After the Philistines wanted to kill David and again, he had to escape for his life.  After he had to act like a crazy man to make it out alive.  And now he is in a cave.   

He does not start off on a positive note.  He starts talking to the Lord about his complaint and his trouble.  He speaks of being overwhelmed, or another word is faint.  He is just weary on the inside.  Weary from running and hiding.  Maybe weary from being the leader of a band of unhappy people who joined him.  Weary from being persecuted without a cause.  But David does not stop there.  David declares who the Lord is to him and asks for God's help.  His last verse shows us where David ends up.  In the end, it will be the righteous all around me, not mean crazy people, because You, God, shall deal bountifully with me.  The word bountifully can also read to be benevolent, to do good.   

David is saying that when the dust settles, he is going to be alright.  God is going to be good to him.  One of David's greatest assets was his belief that God was good, and God would be good to him.  That belief helped David stay steady even through some very challenging times. 



What do you believe about your situation?  How are things going to turn out for you?  One of the smartest things we can ever do is believe God is good and He will help us.  David lived with God and believed God would deal bountifully with him.  We can do the same thing, and we can say it's going to be alright because God will be good to me.   



Father, You are good, and You are good to me.  I believe that with You on my side, it's going to be alright!
