Bible 365 Devotional


PSALM 20:6-8

PSALM 20:6-8 NKJ 
6 Now I know that the Lord saves His anointed; 
He will answer him from His holy heaven 
With the saving strength of His right hand. 
7 Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; 
But we will remember the name of the Lord our God. 
8 They have bowed down and fallen; 
But we have risen and stand upright. 


This is a great Psalm. I mean, they are all great, but this one in particular reveals God's involvement with His people.   

This is a Psalm of David. David had gained a strong confidence in the Lord's ability to help him. And David had a strong persuasion that God was good. When you put those two beliefs together, it creates a perspective that faces life and all of its challenges with boldness.  

David declares now I know that the Lord saves His anointed. God will answer with the saving strength of His right hand.   

I like that verse. Now I know. Not, now I hope, or now it might be. Now I know. Knowing that God will save, answer and use His strength is a confidence builder. 

Some trust in chariots. Chariots were the battle tanks of that day. Some trust in horses, which also would provide an advantage in ancient warfare. But. The word "but" indicates a change of direction. David declares his trust is in the Lord, his God, more than the most formidable weapons of that day. David declared that God was bigger and stronger than horses and chariots. 

They have bowed down and fallen. This implies that the ones who trusted in the chariots and horses did not make it.   

But. Here's that word again. But we have risen and stand upright. The images this Psalm creates are powerful. And this Psalm was written by a man with very real and dangerous wartime experiences.      

But David declares his heart of trust in God. And over and over, God came through for David.  


We may not be facing chariots and horses, but we still have battles. Jesus told us we would see troubles in this life. But. But we choose to put our trust in God.   

A great way to start developing in this trust is to express our faith and confidence in God. We can do that in our worship and praise of Him. We can do that in our thoughts. We can do that as we declare our position of trust. I trust God, and I know He is helping me and answering me. And when the dust settles, I'll be standing tall and strong. I'm trusting God. 


Heavenly Father, my trust is in You. You are my advantage, and I know You will help me. 
