Bible 365 Devotional



HEBREWS 5:11-12 NKJ 
11 of whom we have much to say, and hard to explain, since you have become dull of hearing. 
12 For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God; and you have come to need milk and not solid food. 


You would think with all the difficulties these Jewish believers were experiencing, that the author of the letter would cut them some slack. But he shoots straight with these believers.  

Something we should take note of. Even though our present culture advocates for language that goes to great lengths not offend anyone, this does not mean it is the correct stance. Social media has put almost all communication under scrutiny, and the loudest voices appear to be in the right. But that is man's wisdom and not God's. 

God's wisdom will always come to us in love, for He is love. However, godly love does more than affirm. It does what is best for the person receiving that love. And it is wise to recognize  that if we are off track, God's love will speak so that course corrections can be made. 

These Hebrew believers had slowed their own spiritual growth. We don't get the entire picture, but it is evident that they should be farther along. They should be eating solid spiritual food, but they were still on milk. I thought the first four chapters of Hebrews contained some pretty strong stuff. Evidently, I was mistaken, for the author calls it milk.   

It appears that one of the hindrances to their spiritual growth was that they had become dull of hearing. He does not go into details about what is making them dull of hearing, but we know he is talking about being dull spiritually. This is not a physical condition but a spiritual one. Throughout scripture, whenever we see a reference to dullness or being a spiritual infant, we see the flesh involved. When Paul wrote to the Corinthian church, he said they were spiritual babies because they were fussing, fighting, and acting like people who had not been saved.   


This topic, growing spiritually, is a big one. This devotional can only begin to introduce the subject. But we see the importance of staying sharp and growing. And we realize that we have the biggest say in our spiritual growth. If it was all up to God, then these Hebrew believers would not have needed any correction.   


Dear Lord, help me grow spiritually so that I may be able to hear clearer and handle more than spiritual milk. 
