Bible 365 Devotional


Oh, how great is Your goodness, Which You have laid up for those who fear You, Which You have prepared for those who trust in You In the presence of the sons of men! Psalm 31:19 NKJ

Psalm 31:19 NKJ Oh, how great is Your goodness, Which You have laid up for those who fear You, Which You have prepared for those who trust in You In the presence of the sons of men!

It's not uncommon to hear people who are not on good terms with God talk about Him as the source of heartache and pain.

Yet, here the psalmist, David, is talking about God storing up His goodness. In fact, it's a great amount of goodness, and it's laid up, or stored, for all those who have a genuine respect for God. And for those who trust in God openly without caring if other people know about it.

So instead of being afraid that God is going to hurt you or bring about something bad in your life, you can have an expectation of good. A lot of good because our great God does things in a great way.


I remember watching a show once about people who could bid on abandoned storage units. They would bid not knowing the contents but rather taking a big chance. Sometimes their risk paid off, and other times it was a complete bust.

God offers us a storage unit full of His goodness as we respect Him and live for Him. The cost is our choice to trust Him despite the fact that there are many who will not trust, but the reward is amazing.


Dear Father, I love and respect You above all. I have trusted You with my eternity, and I will trust You with my life on earth. Thank You for Your great goodness stored up and showing up in my life. Amen.
