Bible 365 Devotional



31 Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 32 Give no offense, either to the Jews or to the Greeks or to the church of God, 33 just as I also please all men in all things, not seeking my own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved. 



As I read the book of 1 Corinthians again, I am amazed at the challenges Paul faced with this group. They had spiritual gifts in operation, but did they ever have issues. In this chapter, Paul is helping the church navigate their way through their culture. 

In a sense, this church reminds me of the culture we are living in today. Paul is warning them about idolatry, sexual immorality, complaining, and desiring evil things. We can’t deceive ourselves into thinking that our culture is vastly different from the Corinthians. We encounter the same issues. 

Paul’s mentality was to do whatever it took to reach the Gentile world. And yet he had respect for the Jewish culture he came from. Paul’s goal was to reach people, not to split hairs over doctrinal issues. So he encourages the believers to govern their lives by a desire to bring glory to God. 

And Paul calls them to be aware of the different cultures that they encounter. Make the necessary adjustments that would not offend or trip up the Jews, Gentiles, or the church of God. Paul lived to reach people and win them to Christ. He was not concerned with proving his point. He was not trying to please himself and carry out his own agenda. Paul sought the profit of many. Or what was best for others, not for himself. And the objective was so others would be saved. 

Living to glorify God. Living to reach others. An entirely different mindset. 


As I am writing this, I think of the different cultures we experience today. We have the church world and the unchurched world. We have people who have no idea of what we have in Christ. And we have people established in church culture, which can vary greatly from church to church. 

So how do we navigate these challenges? We still have to glorify God and reach people. Paul’s encouragement to the church at Corinth is still viable today. 

Many years ago, when missionaries would go to foreign lands to preach the gospel, they would also take their mode of dress. So you wound up with people in India wearing starched shirts and ties. India wrote the book on hot and humid. Coats and ties make no sense. That’s a cultural thing, not a gospel thing. 

Joy and I have some friends who are a part of a different church culture. They call everyone brother and sister. That’s not typically what we do here at The Ark, but there is nothing wrong with that. So when we go there, we call other believers brother and sister—no need to cause offense on such a minor cultural point. 

I stopped wearing ties on Sundays in order to create a more relaxed atmosphere at the church. This made it easier for people without a church wardrobe to attend. The point is to reach people, not enforce a dress culture. 


Heavenly Father, You are so much bigger than any culture in our day. Help me to find places to connect with people so they can be saved. Help me find points of agreement with other believers. 
