Bible 365 Devotional



13 For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. 14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” 

This is a bit of a takeoff of one of our church values - Here to Bless.   

Paul was talking to the churches of Galatia, and his words, inspired by the Holy Spirit, still apply to the churches of today.  We are free from living under the strict confines of Jewish law.  The sacrifices, ordinances, washings, and cleansing do not apply to us today.  We don't have to do those things to be right with God.  Jesus has made us right with God, so we are free.  Free to what?  To do anything we want?  That idea did not fly then or now.  We are free from Jewish law but not free to do anything we want.  We still have an accountability to God and His one main New Testament commandment - to love one another.  Love is not a feeling. Love is an action, a choice.  Love serves and helps others.  Love treats other people as we want to be treated.  Jesus gave us this commandment (John 15:12), and this commandment still stands.   



The key distinguishing characteristic of a follower of Christ is this kind of love.  And those are not my thoughts.  Jesus said this (John 13:34-35).  So how we love one another is a witness to the world around us, and it keeps us in line with God's commandment.  We are free from having to dress a certain way.  Free to eat whatever we want.  Free from the vast number of do's and don'ts of Jewish law.  But we are also free to live bigger than just living to please ourselves.  We are free to love and be a blessing to others.  And as we do, we make Christianity attractive to the selfish world around us and stand confident before God.  What a deal! 



Heavenly Father, please teach and reveal to me by Your word and Your Holy Spirit how to love others and be a blessing to Your Kingdom.
