Bible 365 Devotional


LUKE 16:10

LUKE 16:10 NKJ 
10 He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much. 

This is such an important principle.  How we are with little is how we will be with much.  How we handle what little we have, good or bad, will determine how we will handle much.   

This truth has blessed me when I have followed it and bit me when I did not.   

I have promoted people who were not doing a good job with what they were given.  My thinking was a promotion would motivate them.  It did not.  They handled the bigger job in the same manner they approached the little job.   

I have noticed many of our best staff members were good volunteers.  Again, the principle of how you handle an unpaid job will show how you handle a paid job.   

When the church has advertised for staff positions, we often get resumes from people who attend The Ark but have never volunteered.  It's not a hard fast rule, but we will always want to know why.  If you will not do the little, how will you handle the big?  It's a good question.   

Joy was complaining to the Lord about her car many years ago.  And He brought this truth to her heart.  If she would not take care of her current car, why should He help her get something newer and better? Ouch!  

The Lord is big on faithfulness.  And the great news is you can be faithful right now with what you have.  You do not have to wait for something big.   



What are you doing with what you have now?  Do not wait until your promotion to work hard, work hard now.  Don't wait for a financial windfall to start to give to God's Kingdom; begin to give now.  Do not wait until you meet Mr /Miss right to take care of yourself and get in shape.  Go ahead and get in shape now.  Whew!  Have I meddled enough? But look on the bright side.  It's Friday!!  And this is a truth from Jesus that can really help!   



Dear Father, teach me to be faithful in what I have been given, and as I do, thank You for showing me how to increase more and more!
