Bible 365 Devotional



In all labor there is profit, 
But idle chatter leads only to poverty. 

I can be a bit bottom-line in my personality.  And I am sure there are varying opinions on whether or not this is a good trait.  Maybe that's why I enjoy the Book of Proverbs so much.  It's such a no frills bottom-line book.   

This verse is a classic example.  There is profit, benefits in action.  In working, in labor.  But only talking about things is going to lead to lack.   

The scriptures place a great deal of emphasis on our words.  I often talk about the value of our words.  Words can be expressions of our faith or of our fear.  Words can heal or hurt.  But there has to be actions that line up with our words.  We can't talk blessings and God's abundance and then act as if the world is ending.  James said faith without corresponding action is dead.  (James 2:17) He also said the doers of God's word are the ones who are blessed.  (James 1:25) There is a premium placed on action.   



We don't want to be people who simply talk; we want to be people who do.  We can discuss and debate scriptures and what God's people should be doing all day long.  But a more profitable activity would be to examine our lives.  What are we doing to advance God's Kingdom?  What am I just talking about, and what is a practice in my life?  You'll have to go bottom-line with yourself to do this.  But do it.  To the doers there is profit.
