Bible 365 Devotional


PSALM 6:6-10

PSALM 6:6-10 NKJ 

6 I am weary with my groaning; 
All night I make my bed swim; 
I drench my couch with my tears. 
7 My eye wastes away because of grief; 
It grows old because of all my enemies. 

8 Depart from me, all you workers of iniquity; 
For the Lord has heard the voice of my weeping. 
9 The Lord has heard my supplication; 
The Lord will receive my prayer. 
10 Let all my enemies be ashamed and greatly troubled; 
Let them turn back and be ashamed suddenly. 


As David writes this psalm, he is obviously going through a difficult time.  It's probably a difficult season.  One rendering of verse six says every night I make my bed swim.  

He's crying on his pillow, the picture of despondency and feeling old because of the grief his enemies are bringing his way.  But then David shifts into another gear.  He finds his second spiritual wind and gets his spiritual swagger back.  All you problem people had better just go on from me.  Because the Lord has heard me.  He has heard my agony, and He has heard my requests.  The Lord will receive my prayer and let all my enemies be ashamed, troubled, and turned back.  David started this psalm in a weakened state but bounced back to the winning side.   



David is such a great mentor and example, especially in the area of bouncing back from setbacks.  His ability to shift gears spiritually is inspiring.   

A big part of David's big bounce is his belief that God hears him, and God will help him.  Confidence in these two areas forms the foundation that bounce-backs are built on.   

So, what about you?  Does God hear you?  Will God help you?  How you answer those two questions will help determine your ability to bounce back from problems and setbacks.   

Start with talking as David talked.  God hears me, God helps me, and my enemies, problems, and setbacks will have to back away because, with God's help, I am moving forward.   

You may feel awkward talking like that, but you are simply lining your life and words up with scriptural truth.  You, too, can bounce like David bounced.   



Dear Father, I believe You hear my cries and my prayers and my requests for help.  You are helping me, and my troubles will have to jump back.  Thank You.  I am not alone.
