Bible 365 Devotional



16 Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting consolation and good hope by grace, 17 comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work. 

Paul's messages always carried a positive tone. Even when he was having to correct some egregious errors and problems, he never left the churches feeling demoralized.  

Paul seemed to mix good news with corrective instruction, as would a good parent. Good parenting will involve more than positive affirmations. There will be some addressing of issues that need to be fixed.   

In this passage today, we see legitimate comfort words. Comfort food is food that may not always be the best for you, but it sure feels good (I am thinking of your Oreos and milk). 

The great news about God's comfort words is that they will make you feel good and be good for you at the same time.   

This word involves the Lord Jesus Himself and our God and Father. That is so personal. Our God and Father is the One who loves us and has given us everlasting consolation (encouragement) and a good favorable expectation by His grace. Grace means we did not earn this hope and encouragement; God gifted it to us.  

So our Lord and our Father God, who loved us, will comfort our hearts and establish us in every good word and work.   

To believers in Thessalonica, these words had to have meant a lot. They were people of faith so I imagine that in their hardships they latched onto God's comfort coming their way.   


The best way to apply these two verses is to simply accept them for yourself. When God's word becomes personal to you, it becomes powerful in your life.   

Accept that the Lord Himself will comfort your heart. Accept that God your Father loves you and has encouragement and a good expectation for you. Accept that you will be established (strengthened) in every good word and work. Accept God's zero-calorie soul-nourishing spirit strengthening comfort food. What a great reason to be glad.   


Thank You for Your words of comfort for me. Thank You for the encouragement and hope that I have because of Your grace.
