Bible 365 Devotional


Jesus said to him, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” John 20:29 NKJ

John 20:29 NKJ Jesus said to him, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

This is a clear classic example of faith. Thomas said that unless he put his hand into the nail holes and wound in Jesus' side he would not believe.

Thomas had a choice. He could have believed his fellow disciples, men he had virtually lived with for three years. He could have believed the words of Jesus, who spoke of His death and resurrection before the cross ever happened.

Thomas had a choice, and he chose not to believe until he could touch and see.

When Jesus appeared to the disciples and spoke to Thomas, He was very direct. He was not unkind but made it clear that the ones who were blessed were not the ones who would touch and feel but the ones who would believe with no confirmation from the physical senses.


Thomas did make an adjustment and would go on to become a spiritual force in the area now known as India. So, I will not call him doubting Thomas when I meet him in heaven.

What I will do is purpose in my heart not to demand that I have to see or feel in order to believe God and His word. God does not have to prove anything to me, so I join the ranks of the blessed by believing Him before my physical senses ever catch on.


Thank you, Father. I believe in You, the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and Your inspired Word. And I do not have to see to believe, and I don't have to feel a thing. I choose to believe, and I choose to believe you above all feelings, emotions, reasonings, and anything else my senses communicate. I am a believer!
