Alan's Devotionals


2 Thessalonians 3:13 NKJV  
13 But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary in doing good. 


Sometimes, we need to be reminded of the most basic things. And for believers, Paul’s concluding message to the church contains a reminder on the most basic level: do not get tired of doing good.   


At first blush, you may be thinking, why would someone grow weary of doing good? Why would Paul even need to write this? His reminder even seems out of context with the entire chapter. Or maybe this short verse was a fitting conclusion to the chapter.  


Paul begins by asking the church to pray for him so that God’s word will be spread and be glorified. He also asked for prayer that he would be delivered from bad people with no faith. Paul encouraged the church to work with their own hands and not tolerate freeloaders who wanted to live off the labor and resources of other people. Paul even went as far as to say that if someone does not work, they should not eat. And even though Paul had the authority to receive offerings from the Thessalonians, he chose to work instead. This is so he would not be a burden and also to make himself an example. So, by word and example, Paul encouraged hard work, prayer, loving God, and persevering as Christ did. We can make a good case that all these things are doing good. So don’t get tired of doing good.   


In Paul’s letter to the Galatians, he wrote almost the same instructions to the church in Galatia. But he adds more insight. In Galatians 6:9, “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” The context of this verse is sowing and reaping. That God will not be mocked, a man will reap what he sows. In this case, the sowing was financial seeds. And Paul calls sowing financial seeds doing good. But here is where the not grow weary part comes into light.   


We can grow weary when we sow financial seeds and do not see a harvest as quickly as we want. But a harvest is coming if we do not grow weary and lose heart. When we lose heart, we start believing that sowing seeds does not produce a harvest. And if the pressure is on, the tendency to grow weary becomes even greater. Sowing financial seeds into God’s kingdom is doing good.   


We can grow weary when we do good by serving and helping in the church, but no one seems to notice. And yet the scriptures tell us that the Lord sees what we do for Him, and He will reward us if we don’t grow weary and stop. Serving God’s people and God’s kingdom is doing good.   


When we have prayed and not seen an answer, we can grow weary and stop praying. Praying is doing good. And this is one of the biggest areas of potential weariness. But don’t give up.   


When we are kind to people who are not grateful. When we overlook people who do not consider us or act childish. When we don’t talk down about the ones who are talking bad about us. Had enough doing good? How about forgiving those who have not been good to us? It’s easy to see where doing good is not the easy path.   


But don’t get tired of doing good because doing good will pay off in the end. Ephesians 6:8 “...knowing that whatever good anyone does, he will receive the same from the Lord, whether he is a slave or free.”  



Lord, You did not ever get tired of doing good. Strengthen me to live like You, to walk as You walked.
