Special Needs Families and Caregivers

About This Group

Each of us has a journey and a purpose given by God, even if it's not the path we would have chosen for ourselves. As a community of believers, we want to stand by you and support you in your role as a caregiver. Life is meant to be shared, not lived alone. Together, we can find inspiration and hope.

When & Where

Ages 18+
Sundays at 11:00 AM
9/22/2024 thru 12/8/2024
Shawna Wells

Group Book

Unexpected Blessings

The Joys & Possibilities of Life in a Special-Needs Family

Sandra Peoples

Unexpected Blessings helps special-needs families move past the pain and confusion of their circumstances and slowly, firmly face the future with hope. Speaking honestly about struggles that accompany a variety of disabilities, Sandra Peoples shows readers how to:

1. let go of false beliefs that hold them back

2. work through the cycles of grief

3. focus on self-care and healthy routines

4. understand disability based on what the Bible says

5. rebuild a strong faith foundation

6. create support systems for themselves and others

Filled with real-life stories and hard-earned wisdom, this book shines a light on the possibilities and blessings that come when parents see their new purpose in life--which was God's purpose for them all along.