Bible 365 Devotional


Proverbs 8:32-36 NKJV  

32 "Now therefore, listen to me, my children, 

For blessed are those who keep my ways. 

33 Hear instruction and be wise, 

And do not disdain it. 

34 Blessed is the man who listens to me, 

Watching daily at my gates, 

Waiting at the posts of my doors. 

35 For whoever finds me finds life, 

And obtains favor from the Lord; 

36 But he who sins against me wrongs his own soul; 

All those who hate me love death." 



This entire chapter of Proverbs is a discourse on wisdom—but not just any wisdom, Godly wisdom. There is a wisdom of this world or this age, and a wisdom that comes from God. The wisdom from God is better and available, but God's wisdom must be pursued.   


And God's wisdom is worth pursuing. God's wisdom is excellent. It is all truth and righteousness. God's wisdom is more valuable than silver, gold, and rubies. All the things we can desire are not compared with God's wisdom. God's wisdom has counsel and strength, and by Godly wisdom, rulers lead well. With wisdom comes riches and honor, and it causes the possessor to gain wealth. As I read this chapter, I can find no downside to Godly wisdom. There is no list of side effects in the small print. God's wisdom is of the highest value. God's wisdom is calling to all who have ears to hear, and that is the other side of wisdom. Wisdom is calling out, and we must listen intentionally.   


Our verses for today are wisdom telling us who she blesses. This whole chapter has wisdom speaking in the first person and gives us the conditions for who is blessed by her.   


The ones blessed with Godly wisdom are the ones who listen to God's wisdom—and not just listen but listen with the intent to put wisdom into practice. Wisdom smiles on those who listen and implement. Wisdom smiles on the one who treats her with respect, not disdain. The word disdain implies rejection with contempt.   


The ones blessed by wisdom are the ones who listen to wisdom regularly. "Watching daily at my gates." Wisdom smiles on the ones who pursue her eagerly, not casually. Watching and waiting are typically characteristics of those who see value. There is great value in God's wisdom, so watching and waiting is worth the effort.  


Finding God's wisdom leads to life and favor from God. Rejecting wisdom is doing self-harm. Hating God's wisdom is an endorsement of death. Death, meaning separation from God, not physically dying.   




In looking back at my life, I can see where obtaining God's wisdom paid off well. I can also see where I have refused God's wisdom in areas and paid the price. I believe we have, as a general rule, undervalued God's wisdom. When we regard reading God's Word, which is God's wisdom, as a chore instead of a life-giving source, we miss out on the blessings wisdom offers.   


The next time, hopefully soon, like today, when you pick up your Bible, say out loud, "I am receiving God's wisdom into my life, and it is benefiting me." Remember there are no downsides to obtaining and implementing God's wisdom. And when wisdom smiles on us we are truly blessed.   




Dear Father, I purpose to pursue Your wisdom daily. I seek You and Your wisdom and am grateful for the blessings that follow.  

