Bible 365 Devotional


2 Corinthians 12:7-8 NKJV 
7 And lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I be exalted above measure. 8 Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me.  

This is one of those verses that people have used in the past to build a doctrine. When dealing with a sickness or disease, some have identified with Paul and said their sickness was a thorn in the flesh sent from God.   

However, we need to look closer at what Paul said before we start applying it to our lives. The first thing is Paul said the thorn was due to the abundance of the revelations he had been given. Most of the people I know or know of, including myself, have never been given an abundance of revelations in the same way as Paul. Paul wrote much of the New Testament. He had amazing revelations concerning what Jesus did for us and who we are in Christ. Many smart people believe Paul was talking about himself in the first part of the chapter when he described a man who was taken up to the third heaven. In terms of grace and calling, Paul is in a rarified air.   

Paul said a messenger of Satan was given to him. He did not say disease or sickness. And this messenger was sent to harass Paul. The word buffet is better translated as beat. Almost everywhere Paul went, he met serious opposition. Much more than people saying unkind things, we are talking about attempts on his life and many whippings and beatings. This messenger of Satan stirred up trouble everywhere Paul went. If we look at all the physical problems Paul endured, he could not have been a sick, weak man. Paul was given a messenger of Satan, not a sickness.  


The word messenger is the Greek word aggelos. This word is used to describe one who is sent to announce, teach, or perform. We see this word used for angels. This is the word that first shows up in the New Testament in Matthew 1:20, when an angel told Joseph to take Mary to be his wife. No where is the word aggelos used to describe a physical condition.  


The wording in verse eight gives us another clue. Paul said he asked God three times that it might depart from him. Paul did not ask three times for God to heal him. He wanted this messenger of Satan out of his life. And why would Paul ask God to get rid of this demonic force if God was the one who gave him the messenger in the first place? Some have said that God made Paul sick to keep him humble, to keep him from being exalted. Paul was a man who walked close to the Lord. If God had given him something, Paul would not have been the one to kick against it.   

My last argument is me thinking pragmatically. God used Paul in a big way to take the news of Christ all over the known world. It does not make sense to me that God would inflict sickness on the one He entrusted with such a huge responsibility.   


Some may choose to differ with me concerning Paul's thorn. That's their choice, and I will not argue with them. But I am staying with Paul's thorn being a demonic messenger from Satan, not sickness. Early on in my Christian walk, I was introduced to Jesus as the healer, and He has not changed. So, I have a bias toward healing. I have experienced God's healing touch in my life and the lives of my family, and that has strengthened my bias. And I can testify firsthand that the times I have been sick have not made me humble. Sickness hindered my ability to do what God has called me to do. I am so grateful that I have come to know the Lord as my healer.   


Thank You, Lord, that You have not changed. You healed when You were on earth, and You are still healing today. 
