Bible 365 Devotional


PSALM 106:7, 13, 24-25, 35-36

PSALM 106:7, 13, 24-25, 35-36 NKJ 
7 Our fathers in Egypt did not understand Your wonders; 
They did not remember the multitude of Your mercies, 
But rebelled by the sea—the Red Sea. 
13 They soon forgot His works; 
They did not wait for His counsel, 
24 Then they despised the pleasant land; 
They did not believe His word, 
25 But complained in their tents, 
And did not heed the voice of the Lord. 
35 But they mingled with the Gentiles 
And learned their works; 
36 They served their idols, 
Which became a snare to them. 


There is an axiom that experience is the best teacher. Experience may be the best, but experience can also be the toughest teacher.   

I prefer to learn from other people's experiences. 

In Psalm 106 is a short but powerful summary of what happened to Israel when they came out of Egypt and entered the promised land. We can glean from their experience and learn what to do and what not to do.   

Verse seven says they forgot the multitude of God's mercies. Do not do this. This may be a reason we see the oft repeated phrase give thanks to the Lord for His mercy endures forever. God has been merciful to us; don't lose sight of that great truth.   

Verse 13 says they forgot God's works and did not wait for His counsel. There is an entire sermon in this verse. But we see the human tendency to forget and to rush ahead and do our own thing. This did not work well for Israel, so we can learn from their experience. 

Verses 24-25 contain a wealth of information regarding what not to do. So, we can flip these verses to come up with a positive list. 

We can think highly of what God has given us. And treat His spiritual benefits as valuable.   

We can choose to believe His word. And believing will eliminate complaining. We believe and rejoice and pay close attention to what He says to us in the Scripture and by His Holy Spirit.   

Verses 35-36 are another experience of Israel that is a warning to us. Do not follow the world and its ways. This would mean not making people, with no regard for God, our mentors and models. Sooner or later, it will become a problem. 

I am thinking I can do a series on Psalm 106. The experience of Israel can serve as a great learning lesson for us all. The culture may have changed, but God's timeless wisdom and principles stand sure and secure. 


Thank You, Father, that I can learn from the experience of those who have gone before me. Thank You for Your word that shines light on my path in life.
