Ark Kids At Home

I Can Grow!

“So you should try very hard to add goodness to your faith. To goodness, add knowledge. To knowledge, add the ability to control yourselves. To the ability to control yourselves, add the strength to keep going. To the strength to keep going, add godliness. To godliness, add kindness for one another. And to kindness for one another, add love. All these things should describe you more and more. They will make you useful and fruitful as you know our Lord Jesus Christ better.” 2 Peter 1:5-8 (NIrV)

Dear God, please help my child grow in faith, goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, kindness, and love this summer.

Choose two activities from the Summer to the Max calendar that you are most looking forward to and talk about them as a family. Then, take a moment to discuss ways your family can grow this summer.