Bible 365 Devotional


1 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 
3 For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls. 
What strikes me about this letter to the Hebrews is the marked lack of pity for their struggles. There is no coddling of these believers. There is an acknowledgment of their struggles and persecution. However, there is not a focus on the troubles these believers are facing. Instead, the author is redirecting them towards solutions.   
After listing all the faith-filled people from the eleventh chapter, the writer reminds readers they are surrounded by this great group of witnesses. These are the people watching from the grandstands of heaven as they run their race. And since they are running a race, what is necessary is that they are equipped to run. This starts by putting away the weights and sins that tend to trip them up and slow them down. He does not list specific weights and sins, most likely leaving that up to the individuals.   
Then, the believers are encouraged to look to Jesus as the example. He is the beginning and end of their faith. He is the reason for their faith and the object of their faith. Without Him, they would still be stuck in the old Judaic system. Jesus, the example, had a joy that He was aiming for. The joy set before Him was the salvation of mankind. This joy enabled Him to endure the cross itself. The term despising the shame meant that Jesus did not hate dealing with the shame, but rather Jesus thought lightly of the shame. He considered the shame no big thing; the shame did not phase Him. Jesus was not embarrassed. And after winning back humanity through the cross and resurrection, Jesus sat down at God’s right hand, the work being completed.   
This is the Jesus they were to consider. The One who endured major hostility from sinners against Himself. And in considering what Jesus did, this would enable these believers to avoid being weary and discouraged. In light of what Jesus did and how He endured, the believer has a strong example to look to. The same Jesus that suffered for them will also strengthen them to endure.   
Our challenge is that we can get caught up in considering the wrong things. We consider the problems, the pain, the discomfort, and our lack of ability and weakness. This is not an indictment on anyone; I have done this exact same thing. But when we consider those who went before us and their example of faith. When we put away the things that hold us down and hold us back. When we look to Jesus as the One who enables us and encourages us with His example and by His Spirit, it is then that we resist the tendency to become weary and discouraged. Eyes off of us. Consider Jesus!   
Lord, You are my hero and my example of faith. The joy set before me is pleasing You and I trust I will finish my race strong!   